Living on the Edge 232; Home Comforts…


A unique, handmade book sculpture housed in a glass dome.

Materials: discarded books, thread and found materials.

Ø Diameter: 170mm x Height: 160mm

Do not stand in direct sunlight.

Price includes UK Packaging & Postage. For other destinations shipping will be calculated at checkout. Please note: International deliveries may be subject to local import duties or taxes and may be affected by customs and excise delays beyond my control. Please contact your local customs office for further details before purchasing if you are concerned.

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The story…

“’Livia,” whispered Glen. “’Livia, I’m scared”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” retorted Olivia. “There’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of.” But as soon as the words were out, she felt a chill creep through her and she knew she’d not be able to keep up the pretence of bravery for much longer…

The initial idea had been a good one; next sunny day, let’s visit The Hollow with a picnic and enjoy exploring.

And, true to their word, when Sunday dawned like a lazy golden yawn stretching its arms to welcome them, they packed up a hamper and eagerly hurried out into the morning.

However, by the time they reached their destination, a thick mass of cloud had descended and an unpleasant cold, swirling wind was interrupting their fun. They were only at the outer edge of The Hollow and were near the crevice that formed its entrance but the swoosh of the birds’ wings as they circled and wove within was echoing eerily as if something was about to pluck them from the ground. Part of what was making the sound unnerving was, other than the noise of the wings, the lack of bird voices. Wait. Were they birds? Or bats? Olivia hated bats. Or were they something other? There were many ancient folklore stories about the place… Was there truth in them?

Ok,” said Olivia, beginning to feel nauseous at the building suspense, “I think we should leave.” And, not waiting to find out what manner of creature had darted out from the crevice, they turned tail and hastily retreated. The picnic would taste just as good eaten in the safety of their own backyard…