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Living on the Edge; work in progress…

Hello Everybody! Happy Friday! What has this week held for you? For me it has been full of little houses posing, parading and competing for who can look the best on wooden blocks. A worrisome and noisy affair indeed. I did tell them to be careful but, as ever, the warning went unheeded and one of the little houses was crushed in the melee… You can see the poor devil in the foreground of the first picture. He agreed that I could share the picture as it may serve to curtail future silliness. I somehow doubt it… Short of creating some kind of ‘one in, one out’ policy, I don’t know what I can do… As I build stock, over crowding is always going to be an issue…

Let’s have a cup of tea and a custard cream or two to calm our frazzled nerves.

Oh, and don’t forget, I have had a limited edition set of greeting cards printed. They’re available in my online shop. I took a quick snap of them too as I didn’t want them to get jealous… This is a pack of them hanging out on the button, book and bead shelves. An altogether more harmonious bunch of characters (don’t be thinking that, just because they’re photographs, they don’t talk…)

Have another custard cream, do, and I’ll see you next week… xxx

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Living on the Edge; Greeting Cards…

Well, hello, are you fine? How has your week been? Over at the table there has been much kerfuffle and excitement and also, a great deal of jealousy and one upmanship… They just can’t help themselves…

The secret that I wanted to tell you last week is finally ready to be revealed… I have had a set of greeting cards printed! My friend, photographer, Richard Allenby-Pratt (thesuffolkproject) came and took the pictures.

Yes, of course, there was much faffing, pushing and giggling from the Little Houses but he patiently put up with them and persevered until everyone was happy. He also sorted the whole shebang for print, what a complicated matter that is… jpegs, CMYKs, dpis, bleeds… to mention but a few… It almost made a girl’s head pop; I can tell you. So, an enormous thank you to Richard!

There was a small gallery showing premier for the Little Houses yesterday and they spuffled around, giddy with glee… (there’s a little video of them here, sound on and brownie points for if you can remember where the music was previously used)

Let’s have a small swig of the champagne leftovers – I know it’s early but it’ll only be a bit… and have a look whilst we chat on…

I have put the cards up on my online shop if you want to pop in there, I’ll leave the door ajar for you…

Much love to you all and I wish you an absolutely splendid weekend…xxx

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Living on the Edge; Lazy Days…

Hello Everybody, I thought I was going to be able to tell you a secret today but, as with the best laid plans and all, things have gone awry. Never mind, hopefully next week. And, apparently, it’s not what went wrong that matters. It’s what you choose to do with what happened…

So, onward with an alternative conversation, ignoring any spanners in works we may happen across… May I pour you a cup of tea? I have the fine china cups out and I’ve made this plum torte that Corrina gave me the recipe for. She said it was from the New York Times and it was so popular that it was published every year, during plum season, for years… it’s still slightly warm if you hurry…

The Little Houses are pleased to announce the arrival of a new ‘Love Letter…’ It is a ‘zed’ and, as you might guess, he is a sleepy little fellow. He has had a very calming effect on all of us and, during the hot spell we are currently experiencing, this is no bad thing. Look, see? He’s yawning again. We shall all be dozing off.

If, like me, the mere mention of a yawn has your mouth stretching, I am quite prepared to write notes for anyone who needs, excusing them from work because they have been struck down by the dreadfully infectious yawning malady sweeping the planet… Let me know…

Right, a quick nap then? Have a gorgeous weekend and enjoy the gentle warmth of the exiting summer… xxx

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Living on the Edge 210; Sunburn…

Well Good Morning Everybody, Happy September! In my mind ‘tis the time of year for new beginnings and, I feel, a good time to make resolutions. For me it’s easier to do when there’s still a bit of summer about. Much easier than January when the icy fingers of the New Year can easily freeze my new notions solid…

In this spirit, I have decided to embrace my natural tendency to early birdness and to write a diary every morning. To empty my head on to a page as it were. There is precious little storage up there so I am hoping that it’ll free up some space. I will let you know…

The Little Houses are all onboard and quite excited. They are making resolutions of their own. Some seem a little outlandish to my mind but I shall hold my tongue… Meanwhile, over on the table, things have taken a turn for the worse…

Living on the Edge 210; Sunburn…

The sun was completely burnt out. He had been for over a month. Hanging around day and night, he moped and complained about every little thing under him. He had no notion that anyone or thing was affected by his condition. Perhaps being solo for so long had taken its toll…

Having lived through the years of broiling heat, Jerry and Carly were now feeling the cold as they had never felt it before. A desperate chill had set in and their heating and lighting bills were through the roof. But, despite their own troubles, they tried to cheer him…

“Look on the bright side,” said Jerry. As soon as he’d spoken, Jerry realised that he’d put his footings in it. The sun retorted that that was the problem entirely: there was no bright side to look on… xxx

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Living on the Edge 209; Floating Hope…

Good afternoon, Everybody. How are you? I visited the mobile library today to pick up a book I had ordered about how to get one’s life in order. Alas, the book was not on board and so I’ll have to wait until the next scheduled visit of the book bus. Yet another muddlesome month looms ahead… hopefully said book will provide some kind of filing system for my brain soon, fingers crossed…

The books who were present did quake a little as I stepped up into the vehicle, I had to reassure them that I only use books who are no longer useful as books in my work and that they were all perfectly safe. I felt like an uncaught murderer… Too much ‘Luther’, you think? Hmm, perhaps…

Amidst my bothers a solitary figure has been mithering in the corner of the table about his own, somewhat larger, problems… Time for tea and sympathy…  

Living on the Edge 209; Floating Hope…

Over the years Leonard had watched his neighbours, one by one, pack up and leave. They gave various reasons for their departures; to be nearer family, to find work, to ‘downsize’, whatever that meant…

Each time there was a leaving do, some sad cake and keep in touch promises, all of which were never kept. As the number of residents dwindled, so did the parties until a singular, fizzless ‘so long Sidney’ drink with just Leonard, Sidney and a glass of flat lemonade, to see Sidney off, remained ….

Leonard was no fool. He stood alone now, looking out to sea whilst contemplating the exodus. He had tried his hardest. He had unattached his gas supply, installed solar panels and a heat pump, used less and less electricity, only used lighting when completely necessary and recycled like his life depended on it…

And yet still, year on year, centimetre by centimetre his once bountiful gardens and beautiful orchard had been gobbled up by the starving sea below. He knew the day was imminent that he too would plummet into the brine.

But. He was not about to surrender. Ever the optimist, Leonard had just booked to have a damp course installed and was learning to swim… xxx

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Living on the Edge 142; The Hermitage Series…

Well, hello Everybody. I’ve been AWOL for a little while for which I apologise. Sometimes life takes over the steering wheel and, although a mystery tour is all well and good, it doesn’t cut mustard, butter parsnips or, indeed, write blogs…

Anyway, I’m back today and I wish you a happy Friday. How have you been keeping? The kettle is on and there are jam doughnuts sitting waiting for us over there. We can play that game where we try to eat them without licking our lips…

The Little Houses are champing at the bit to tell you things about which I have had to swear them to secrecy until a later date… but you know what gossips they are. Cats may yet be prematurely let out of bags…

To keep them happy that they’re still a very important part of proceedings, today’s little share is about one of the Hermitages (Living on the Edge 142) Up until now, he, Eric, has been very content living his life of isolation. However, recently, he’s begun to think he might prefer to join a little village somewhere…

Now, whilst I don’t want to stymie his chances, I think honesty is the best policy. Eric has the loudest sneeze I have ever heard. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem. But, in the interests of transparency, he is allergic to everything and, therefore, sneezes. All. The. Time. Hence his move to the island in the middle of nowhere in the first place. But his loneliness has now become the bigger priority. He has eradicated the blossom on his sole tree and is awaiting invitations… xxx

PS. There’s a tiny, wee moving picture here if you fancy a look, sound on please… xxx

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Living on the Edge; Monday musings…

Good after-morning everybody, how are you? I’m either late or early, it’s hard to tell. Either way, I thought a surprise visit on a Monday was better than none at all… I feel I know you well enough now, to let you see the chaos that is backstage… Please avert your eyes if a mess on a Monday upsets your equilibrium. And, if you have turned up at your workspace with it all tidy and ready to go then, do look on and have a gloat. Video here…

There comes a point in my creative process where everything has to stop. Not because the piece is finished but because the mess has become too much…

Today this point has been reached and, as you can see from Tilly’s stance, I am in trouble. I will have to have a good tidy up before things can progress any further, or indeed, before something gets broken…

I can’t offer tea today because all the cups have been used and a wash up is necessary before that can happen. In short, we are at checkmate. So, I am going to buckle down, sort babies from the bath water, wheat from chaff and generally restore order.

The Little Houses are all for it as there have been sharp intakes of breath every time I move anything and they are afeared they will be squashed if something isn’t done soon. They’ve put Tilly in charge of health and safety and she has, quite reasonably said enough is enough.

Fair enough, said I. My hair is up in a headscarf and this is where the afternoon will be spent… See you soon… xxx

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Living on the Edge; Shop-date…

Oh coo-ee, good morning Everybody, how are you? Welcome to Friday! Something marvellous has happened… The online shop is open, do pop in for a browse. (I’m not having trumpets and streamers just a quiet creaking of the door and a tinkle of the bell.)

And… Do you remember a few weeks ago I showed you ‘the doll’? And I swore you to secrecy because I thought the Little Houses would be furious? Well… the cat escaped from the proverbial bag and… they met!

I couldn’t quite believe my ears and eyes when I arrived in the workshop and there they all were, together, on the shelf laughing, chatting and looking like they’d been friends for a hundred years. Tilly has become so fond of them and they of her. She has even adopted one as a little pet which she carries around on her shoulder…

It’s funny, isn’t it? The situations you are most worried about are often the things that turn out the best… Hmmm…

So, let’s have a cup of celebratory tea and a bit of ginger cake, it has icing and real crystals of ginger. I didn’t make it, Judith did and it’s delicious. I’m sharing a few quick snaps of the Little Houses and Tilly hanging out together with some of the shop inhabitants.

Have an absolutely fabulous weekend! xxx

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Living on the Edge 207; Desperate Dan…

Well, hello Everybody. Are you fine? Tis the last day of June and I, for one, could have done with it being longer but this is not to be, as I’m not allowed in the month lengthening room… So, I shall have to be content with July starting tomorrow, much as it will irk me…

Anyway, as I write, another emergency is underway over on the table… I’ve nipped out to put the kettle on and grab some biscuits. Please come join me as your help may be required…

Living on the Edge 207; Desperate Dan…

“Is there an immediate threat to life?” asked the voice on the other end of the line.

“Well…” said Dan, a little breathlessly, peering over the cliff edge at his friend.

On waking that morning, when he and Laura looked to their left, the familiar presence of Luke had gone. Luke had been saying how he felt a bit odd recently, how he had a sort of sinking feeling.

“I don’t know,” he said, “I just don’t feel very stable. Perhaps I’m having some kind of breakdown.”

Local talk of erosion, subsidence and undercuts had been eating away at their communal sense of security and self-confidence lately. He went to bed early saying he was sure a good night’s sleep would see him right as rain…

As the sun rose the next day, Luke, as always, was first to wake. He did not feel at all well and a sudden panic ran through him like pepper through a grinder. Next-door the late risers paled on discovering his whereabouts.

“Dial the emergency services!” Laura shrieked…

“Hello? Are you still there? Is there an immediate threat to life?” repeated the voice.

“I am, I am,” confirmed Dan. He watched as Luke shook helplessly leaning on just one stilt. “I… yes. Yes! He’s going to fall! We need help. Now!” …
And, in other news…

At 7pm, on Wednesday of next week, July 5th, all being well, I shall be opening the door of my online shop where you will find today’s piece and several friends looking to find forever homes… If you can find it in your heart to rehome one of them then please do pop in…

Have a splendid weekend xxx
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Living on the Edge 206; High and Dry…

Hello Everybody, how is life treating you? I’ve been a bit absent lately, sorry about that. I’d love to tell you that it’s because I have been holidaying in the Bahamas and show you marvellous pictures of a magical waterfall I found. However, the reality is, I have been juggling and struggling with matters beyond my control and the Little Houses have had to take a back seat what with one thing and another… This, of course, has not pleased them. Not one bit. They have written to their MP apparently… They shall have my guts for garters before long…

In an attempt to appease them, here is their latest drama. Let’s take a seat and pour the tea. I’ve put the custard creams on a plate over there, in the corner. That way we can get some of our daily steps in when we collect one…

Living on the Edge 206; High and Dry…

The evening stumbled in, a little later than normal and a little the worse for wear. She hung her cloak on the peg and readied herself for the nightshift. There was always so much to do and the number of insomniacs was reaching crisis point.

Shona and Ronan had joined the ranks of the sleepless masses when the river had dried up. They had spent the afternoon discussing whether said river, which had separated them from Noelle, was ever coming back. It had never disappeared like this before. Certainly, there had been times when the waters had been low. But this was unprecedented; there had never been no water and a bone-dry riverbed.

The thunderous tumbling sound of the waterfall was the thing they missed the most. The silence that had replaced it was very disconcerting and sleeping without it nigh on impossible.

Also, every word they uttered could now be overheard by Noelle. And, second only to fishing, gossiping about Noelle and her doings had been their favourite pastime… xxx