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Living on the Edge 135…

Well hello Everybody, how are you? Sometimes I find the story comes first, sometimes it’s the sculpture and other times it’s the title. Today the first 2 have sheepishly arrived without a title. I wondered if you would mind taking a break for a cup of tea and a secret biscuit with me and see if we could come up with any ideas. All suggestions gratefully received… The little houses and I thank you in advance. Now tea and biscuits…

Living on the Edge 135;

Philip had stood on the Strand for longer than he cared to recall. During his long life he’d seen many things and weathered many storms. He passed the time with the others talking about everything from great matters of state to smaller worries and snippets of gossip the breeze brought them. He enjoyed dropping little pebbles of knowing into the conversation and watching the ripples radiate from it. Or, now that Blaine had joined them, being drowned by a great boulder of loud ignorance dive bombing in from the other side… xxx

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Living on the Edge 134; The House Trap…

Hello Everybody, are you fine today? I was about to wish you a happy Friday when it was brought to my attention that nefarious deeds are underway again. We should all proceed with extreme caution and not approach the perpetrator… Living on the Edge 134; The House Trap…

Hector had been up since early morning pulling the wool over people’s eyes and collecting hemlock. He was up to no good again. He’d been watching Agatha Christie stories on the telly and was trying to think of a way in which he could become the hero in a carefully plotted web of intrigue. As he sauntered along whistling and kicking up pebbles, it occurred to him that he might need to get his appearance smartened up a bit so that when the newspapers got hold of the story he’d be described as suave. They’d be sure to feature him heavily. He considered purchasing a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles to provide a little gravitas. Or a maybe string of pearls… xxx

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Living on the Edge 133; Her Happy Place…

Hello Everybody, how are you? I don’t know how it is for you but most mornings I wake with a song in my head. This morning’s is a particularly sticky one. Bamboléo. It’s very hard to shake. So I have decided to embrace it and try some Spanish dancing. The houses seem particularly keen to join in. How about you? That way if ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ ever calls on us we’ll have a head start. But, before things get out of control, today’s little share is a nice calm one… Living on the Edge 133; Her Happy Place…

Out on the ocean Judy had been watching them. She loved to watch them. The sea had always fascinated Sheena. So much so that she’d moved to be near it. She was standing on the shore next to Katie. Her grandmother would have had a duck fit if she’d known that they hadn’t got life jackets on. They were watching for seals and collecting sea-glass. And not caring that the cold tide was lapping round their ankles.

“Do you think everything will be alright?” asked Katie staring up at her mother her windows wide.

“I don’t know” answered Sheena her eyes on the horizon “but I do know that, for me, the closer I am to the sea the further away my troubles become” and she smiled reassuringly… xxx

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Living on the Edge 126; Beyond the Décor

Hello Everybody, Happy World Book Day! An especially happy day around here as most of us are made of book… Today’s little share is Living on the Edge 126; Beyond the Décor…

Dorcas and Leonie stood side by side in the shell of that which once was. They said nothing. They didn’t need to; this is what they had been looking for. To the untrained eye they were standing in a ruin. A place, ravaged by time, which had left just a skeleton in its wake. But they could still feel its beating heart. Through their eyes time had only managed to make it more beautiful. They could sense the history and the years of toil which had built this sacred place with its stories, its lives, its dramas. It was all still there, still breathing. They had found shelter but more than this they had found home. Above them the birds, startled from their roosts by the intruders, looked on. Why must they always be moving on?… xxx

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Living on the Edge 131; Tall Stories…

Well hello Everybody, are you fine? This week has been full on Hollywood with too many voices shouting ‘Lights, camera, action! and ‘Cut!’ and bellowing out orders and general prima donna-ing. But, despite this, I have managed to put together a little video with the help of a very brave lazy Susan. It has ended up as a silent movie for everyone’s  benefit… You can see it here … Living on the Edge 131; Tall Stories…

Derek, as well as literally being above everyone else had, unfortunately, come to believe that he was above everyone else in every other respect. He was always right and could see from his lofty height exactly where everyone else was going wrong. And he was not shy of telling them. He’d been up early that morning rousing Walter from his sleep to aid with what he’d called ‘Essential Maintenance’ but which turned out to be, as far as Walter was concerned, a heavy lifting project. Walter, having had nothing better to do with his day, had agreed to help but was now secretly regretting it as his arm was beginning to ache. Besides which the others, who were now also awake, hadn’t failed to notice the large statue dangling overhead and were starting to growl about planning permission, hard hats and liberty taking… xxx

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Living on the Edge 127; Cut and Paste…

Hello Everybody, how are you holding up? Things around here settled somewhat this week. Well, that’s what I thought. You know that thing where it all goes quiet and you think ‘good, that’s better’ and then you realise, it’s not a good quiet and something is afoot… They think I don’t know what’s going on. But I do… Living on the Edge 127; Cut and Paste…

Whilst admiring their reflections in the water below, Hebe, Beth and Gemma stood on the cliff edge discussing hats, bronzer and other important matters of state. So engrossed were they, that they failed to notice that on the nearby headland, Jimmy was plotting their downfall. He was tired of being described as ‘round the bend’ by his smirking neighbours. He had just drawn himself a brand new sharp and shiny pair of scissors. Some cutting down to size would begin when dusk fell… Here we go again… xxx

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Living on the Edge 129; the Lonesome Heart

Well hello Everybody. Is Everybody fine? Happy Valentine’s Day. I was intercepted on my way to the table this morning. My eyes were still half closed but my heart was open for listening and, when it heard the sorry tale of Morten, it broke. He asked that I didn’t pass on the specifics, suffice it to say he’s not been having the best time of late. In light of his misfortune I agreed to post the following lonely hearts ad…

Detached house suffering from a smashed to smithereens heart WLTM a gentle soul mate to help him stick it back together. Enjoys the countryside, astronomy, jigsaw puzzles and reading. GSOH ISO LTR. Time-wasters need not apply.

There has to be someone out there for him… xxx

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Living on the Edge; Complaints Department… Part 2

Hello Everybody, how are you? It’s been a bit of a rough old week over here on the table. Well, it had to happen didn’t it? I should have seen it coming and made plans. Alas, I did not…

Once again I have drawn the ire of the books. Lawyers were mentioned… The scenes made a scene of monumental proportion about performing rights, favouritism and fairness, or rather the lack thereof. And so, in order that each one gets to have their moment the sun, here, in no particular order, are the other 4 pieces that belong with last week’s share…

Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing. Happiness and harmony are restored. Hopefully. Happy Friday… xxx

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Living on the Edge; Complaints Department

Hello Everybody, happy Friday. I was not arrested after last week’s debacle, but I had a complaint. Wouldn’t you know. The sandwich-eating house said she was very disappointed that she hadn’t been shown to her best advantage in the picture. I did point out that, in fact, nobody was fully shown because of the line they were standing in. This, however, neither cut the mustard nor buttered any parsnips. And so, in her full, bossy glory, here she is… The things I do in the name of pacification…. Just breathe… xxx

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Living on the Edge 126

Hello Everybody, is there anything worth gossiping about going on over your way? Seems there’s not a whole lot going on anywhere at the moment. But I thought I’d share this with you. It’s a commission I finished recently ‘Living on the Edge 126’ a collective of worldly pieces snapped just as they were lining up to get their passports checked. I was casually listening in. I know. But I couldn’t help it, they were right next to me…

The tall one had insisted on bring his patio plants and was being told it wasn’t allowed. The one at the back, who’d managed to somehow lasso a pale sun, let slip that she was hoping they could get away quietly without a scene because she was on the run from the police. Causing the one at the front to spit sandwich at the border guard… At that point I looked the other way. If I don’t appear next week it’ll be because I’ve been put away for aiding and abetting, in which case could you put a good word in for me please? … xxx