Hello Everybody, happy November, yes, it is here already! Are you fine? A whole gaggle of Little Houses have been gathering for a few weeks in preparation for a journey and, on Tuesday, they left the building in boxes. I took them to stay with the lovely people at Byard Art in Cambridge and I can only hope they have heeded my advice about what constitutes good behaviour… Do pop in if you can.
Anyway, as a result of the exodus, the workshop was strangely quiet. That was until this lot turned up… (picture 1) They are roofless which always makes them a bit giddy. It also makes them noisy and liable to say anything… perhaps it’s because they have no lid to keep on it, no hat to keep it under, no filter you see… So take anything you might hear with a pinch of salt…
I have shared some stills with you but if you fancy flick through October’s photo album, as a farewell to the absent Little Houses, there’s a little reel just here I’ve made chocolate soup because there’s that slight chill in the air, please help yourself. I did look for some of those biscotti things but, alas, there were none to be had so we’ll make do with shortbread. Have a fabulous weekend and I shall see you very soon… xxx