Oh coo-ee, good morning Everybody, how are you? Welcome to Friday! Something marvellous has happened… The online shop is open, do pop in for a browse. (I’m not having trumpets and streamers just a quiet creaking of the door and a tinkle of the bell.)
And… Do you remember a few weeks ago I showed you ‘the doll’? And I swore you to secrecy because I thought the Little Houses would be furious? Well… the cat escaped from the proverbial bag and… they met!
I couldn’t quite believe my ears and eyes when I arrived in the workshop and there they all were, together, on the shelf laughing, chatting and looking like they’d been friends for a hundred years. Tilly has become so fond of them and they of her. She has even adopted one as a little pet which she carries around on her shoulder…
It’s funny, isn’t it? The situations you are most worried about are often the things that turn out the best… Hmmm…
So, let’s have a cup of celebratory tea and a bit of ginger cake, it has icing and real crystals of ginger. I didn’t make it, Judith did and it’s delicious. I’m sharing a few quick snaps of the Little Houses and Tilly hanging out together with some of the shop inhabitants.
Have an absolutely fabulous weekend! xxx