Good morning Everybody, are you ok? Being an artist is a funny thing. Sometimes I think it’s like being a parent. You put your heart and soul into what you make and then send it out into the world. Children will come back and forth bringing laundry and stories and maybe their own children… The little houses do not. They find their forever home and don’t look back.
And so, when there is an exhibition and a whole flock of them prepare to leave home at the same time, it is a bittersweet thing. Yesterday we set up our work at Artspace in Woodbridge knowing that some of it will not come home again.
Whilst I won’t miss the traumas and rows and general naughtiness of the little houses and I know they find lovely new homes, as they leave I still have a pang of sadness.
I will be at the exhibition this morning 10am – 1.30pm and at the meet the artists do this evening 6pm – 8.30pm. Also tomorrow all day 10am – 5pm. Do come by and say hello if you can. The whole shebang is on every day until 5pm on Wednesday 5th October.
Just before the boxing up the little houses jostled themselves into position, not without a great deal of bickering I might add, for a quick family snap which I am sharing with you today in case you can’t make it…
Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week… xxx