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Living on the Edge; Greeting Cards…

Well, hello, are you fine? How has your week been? Over at the table there has been much kerfuffle and excitement and also, a great deal of jealousy and one upmanship… They just can’t help themselves…

The secret that I wanted to tell you last week is finally ready to be revealed… I have had a set of greeting cards printed! My friend, photographer, Richard Allenby-Pratt (thesuffolkproject) came and took the pictures.

Yes, of course, there was much faffing, pushing and giggling from the Little Houses but he patiently put up with them and persevered until everyone was happy. He also sorted the whole shebang for print, what a complicated matter that is… jpegs, CMYKs, dpis, bleeds… to mention but a few… It almost made a girl’s head pop; I can tell you. So, an enormous thank you to Richard!

There was a small gallery showing premier for the Little Houses yesterday and they spuffled around, giddy with glee… (there’s a little video of them here, sound on and brownie points for if you can remember where the music was previously used)

Let’s have a small swig of the champagne leftovers – I know it’s early but it’ll only be a bit… and have a look whilst we chat on…

I have put the cards up on my online shop if you want to pop in there, I’ll leave the door ajar for you…

Much love to you all and I wish you an absolutely splendid weekend…xxx