Oh hello, are you awake too? We shall have to whisper because it’s still dark ‘o’ clock. This will partly be because the summer is packing her cases and is taking the light with her but also because it is extra early and I couldn’t sleep anymore. I’ve made us a cup of tea and I think I’ll make us pancakes a bit later; I have some hedgerow blackberries and maple syrup we can dollop on top…
I like this time of day; it feels like a bonus and I can get a head start on the Little Houses. Although, having said that, they too are awake already. They’re pretending not to be but I can hear them rustling…
I wanted to ask you; I keep being nagged by a thing calling itself ‘Threads’ to join it. Have you joined? I’m not sure if it isn’t just going to be one more thing to need keeping tabs on… And, on any given day, I find I have more tabs open in my head than is healthy. One more will not help that at all…
Anyway, today’s little share is ‘Living on the Edge 238; Together Alone…’ There is no written story, only a title. You can decide what it means for you, do let me know in the comments…
Now, about those pancakes… How many will you have? … xxx