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Living on the Edge 237: The Bridging Loan…

Hello and good morning Everybody. How are you? I have the tea things set up at the table and there are these fancy chocolate biscuits I’ve been saving for you. Do help yourself, the ones on the left have the thickest chocolate…

So, The Little Houses and I have not been speaking to each other for a week or two. I decided that, in the light of us not seeing eye to window on, well, anything, that we’d take a short break from one another. Things are still a little frosty between us but I think the rift is repairable…

Here is the story of one of our more, shall we say, headstrong? characters…

Living on the Edge 237: The Bridging Loan…

Despite the gusto with which he presented his ideas, Giancarlo’s plan for bringing vast wealth to the village was unanimously rejected by the committee. In his mind, he’d devised the perfect scheme to raise the village’s profile and turn it into a veritable hotspot for tourists.

He considered the committee’s rejection a small minded but eminently surmountable hurdle and so, unwilling to accept its decision, Giancarlo pressed on undeterred. He had to know if it was at least possible to bungee jump from the ancient bridge. If it wasn’t then, fair enough, his idea could be written off. However, if it was possible, he was ready to fight for what he considered to be the greatest opportunity for the community since the Romans had first built the bridge.

He rose early to a find a most unpromising sky and prepared for his feat. The idea of enlisting some help even as a safety precaution was out of the question.

From his vantage point up on the hillside Luigi watched. There was no point in trying to intervene. Experience had taught him that once Giancarlo had his mind set on something there was no going back. Even if that something would seriously injure or possibly kill him. A fool and his money may well be easily parted, a fool and his grand idea will not… xxx


1.The beautiful Llantarnam Grange Craft Festival: Award Winners Exhibition continues, it’s on until August 10th 2024.

2. My Open Studio as Part of Suffolk Open Studios is coming… It’s the weekend of June 15th/16th and June