Good morning Everybody! Welcome to December. I, for one, am excited about the coming of Christmas. You see, last Christmas I went down with Covid and missed the entire thing; no decorations, no tree, no sparkle. If it hadn’t been for Trudy and Bunty Withers there wouldn’t even have been any food. I heartily thank them once more for bringing yuletide quarantine cheer to the back door.
Today, in preparation for the season, I am dressed as Mary Christmas; I have warmed some mincey pies and there is chocolate soup to galore. Come and have a seat at the table whilst we listen to the woes of a certain someone who is not yet feeling Christmasy…
Living on the Edge 215; Giving Up the Ghost…
Time had not been kind to Helena. She stood at the summit of Three Sisters Crag. I say stood, but clung is nearer the truth. The years of defiantly battling with the weather had taken their toll; she was bruised, cracked and battered. And, at such an altitude, no one had the energy to visit, so, she had no reason to think about her appearance. Why bother? she asked herself. To all intents and purposes Helena was a hermit.
And anyway, most folk were unaware of her existence; such was the density of the mists that played at her feet. Sometimes, even her two sisters, who lived at the foot of the crag, wondered if she was still there…
Occasionally they thought they heard her weeping echo eerily through the cloud and felt the saltwater of her tears as they trickled down the crag side. But the pair were not about to allow Helena’s lonely downfall.
They had enlisted the ever-circling rooks to airlift pots of paint, pretty curtains and a few nice plants. Today was makeover day…
This piece is currently with the wonderful Byard Art… Do visit if you’re in the environs of Cambridge… xxx
Also, I have put a few bits and bobs (don’t tell the Little Houses I’ve called them that) over in my online shop… xxx