Bonjour Everybody, are you ok? Another week has gone flying past and I didn’t manage to catch much of it in my net, how about you? Today, I bring more than a rumour of a new deli arriving across the street from me. People in logoed t shirts have been spotted and gossip about up-coming deliciousness is rife. Very dangerous said I, and the little houses supported the motion that it should be a venue for treats rather than daily visits for supplies… In the meantime, I have half a packet of digestives to share and a chocolate soup maker… One cup at a time please and we’ll turn our attention to this poor soul…
Living on the Edge 203; Paige Caged…
On meeting Paige you would honestly believe that she was one of those eternally cheerful, optimistic souls. And that is exactly what she wants us to think. However, in reality, most days this couldn’t be further from the truth. You see, not all good actors are on stage. Paige’s performances of being ‘Absolutely Fine, thank you’ were Oscar material. And absolutely exhausted her.
She won’t thank you for looking at her just now. Whilst drying her tears, she scripts the next episode of ‘Paige is Absolutely Fine’. After so many episodes and so many tears, her smile switch is rusting and she is finding it increasingly difficult to go out.
But all this is about to change because today, whilst scrolling through the TV guide, she’s going to stumble across a show named ‘It’s Okay Not To Be Okay’… xxx
PS… In due course I will be opening my online shop and Paige, along with some of her small friends, will be up for adoption… I will let you know… xxx