Well hello again Everybody, are you fine? By this time next week the little houses will be installed in their exhibition. Not a moment too soon said I, preparations have reached fever pitch and it’s one of those days when a lot is happening whilst very little is getting done. Do you know those days?
They will be at Artspace in Woodbridge
Thursday September 29th until Wednesday October 5th 2022 10:00 am – 5:00pm daily. There is a ‘Meet the Makers’ evening too on Friday 30 th September 6.00pm – 8.30pm.
I will be there on Thursday all day, Friday morning and Saturday all day so if you’re in the neighbourhood do pop in…
Today’s little share will also be present, if the participants can reach an agreement…
Living on the Edge 190; The Gold Standard…
Sherman stood right at the edge, where the pages met the outside world. Gingerly, he leant over to admire their golden sheen.
“How are they so effortlessly beautiful?” he asked aloud.
“This is not effortless,” whispered the nearest page angrily, miffed that it was being perceived as so.
“Each of us has to contribute and we work together in order to appear this way. Some days are easier than others but, make no mistake, this is achieved by sustained teamwork. And I will thank you to remember that,” it hissed.
Sherman had no idea that pages could be so tetchy. He apologised and stepped back a little. Awed by his newly acquired knowledge, he imagined his neighbourhood agreeing on a single goal and working harmoniously for the greater good. How glorious it would be…
Some distance behind him, an altercation kicked off and he briefly turned looking back at them, the neighbours. Then he laughed at his own naivety. They couldn’t even agree on whose turn it was to put the bins out… xxx