Hello Everybody, it’s Friday again! How are you? Feels to me like September is going to gallop away if I’m not careful… Later this month I am taking part in an exhibition so the little houses are already preening and goading one another into misbehaving whilst I’m trying my hardest to concentrate.
Shall we pour some tea and settle in to hear what’s going on with this pair? I forgot biscuits so if you could lend me one that’d be marvellous…
Living on the Edge 189; Field of Dreams…
As the last of the sun’s rays sank behind the horizon, Martin stood proudly looking over his freshly ploughed land. “One day,” he said, “all this will be yours.” He didn’t look at Ben as he spoke but instead nodded to indicate what lay before them.
Ben had been meaning to speak to his father about the future for a good long while but the right moment had proved elusive. Until now. Now was perfect. Now it was being handed to him on a plate. But he did not take it.
Instead, he let the conversation turn to how well the onions were selling and then to the evening meal. Ben felt the window of opportunity gently close and with it, his chance to speak up vanished. There was no point pulling rain clouds over the autumn’s evening glow, besides which, he wasn’t yet sure exactly how he was going to go about becoming ‘Ben, Evolent Ruler of all Things’… xxx