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Living on the Edge 183; Divided We Fall

Oh Hello Everybody, are you fine? Hooray for it being Friday again! Come on in and have a seat at the table. Do you ever scribble yourself a quick reminder, any-old-where, just so the thought doesn’t escape? So it was with the previous owner of the book in today’s Living on the Edge…

‘Memorandum. “Daylight Saving Bill-”  Altering time 2 1hr. tomorrow morning’

Fascinated, I found myself doing a little research into it and I found that, in the UK, daylight saving began on 17th May 1916, a few days before the inscription. I wonder how many of our quick memos will be so long lived…

Further inside the book I’m much afraid the little houses have a tale of woe to impart this week so we may need to be serving them tea and sympathy…

Living on the Edge 183; Divided We Fall…

Monday had been long. Too long. It felt as if quiet fingers had slipped extra hours in between the pages of the day. Everyone was tired and just a little cross. And then from the lower ridge raised voices and angry accusations could be clearly heard.

Abigail and Harold’s recent and acrimonious split had shaken the small mountainside community to its core. With every day its repercussions ricocheted across the land with the loud and bitter airing of yet another piece of the couple’s dirty laundry.

Abigail had won the chimney in the divorce settlement and there was not a day went by when Harold failed to mention it. Even though it was summer and, weather permitting, said chimney would not be in use for at least another three months, he would not let it go.

In an attempt to quell the war, John had taken it upon himself to move in between the unhappy pair. However, this had the opposite effect because Harold now believed that there must be something going on between John and his ex-wife.

John sighed heavily; the heavy sigh of one who knows he can’t win. Much as he loved both Harold and Abigail the situation was impossible. Reconciliation was not an option. One of them was going to have to leave. But how to broach the subject? It wasn’t his place, he knew. He sighed again, took out his PC and began to google… ‘How to say something without actually saying it’… xxx