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Living on the Edge 181; The Loch Keepers…

Hello Everybody. How are you this fine Friday? It’s been a busy old week what with it being #FindaMakerWeek over on social media and all. I have battled with the technology, the little houses whispering behind their shutters and laughing at me… Intuitive, my eye!

Do you remember I visited Scotland recently? Well, it has seeped into my work and today’s little drama is a result of that visit. Let’s have Dundee cake with our tea! There is coffee if you prefer, but you’ll have to make it yourself I’m afraid because I haven’t a clue about coffee. Sorry. The machine is over there… Right, are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin…

Living on the Edge 181; The Loch Keepers…

The little community of Auchno had sat peacefully overlooking the shores of Loch Och for centuries. Everybody knew everybody else and their business and nothing surprising ever happened. Except, perhaps, for the time when it had been discovered that Eileen had a secret child living over the border. However, that was over two centuries ago now and scandal rarely survives that long.

Upon waking that morning, the villagers discovered that overnight someone had sailed their island right in to the shallows of the loch below and, judging by the demeanour of the lone inhabitant, looked to have dropped anchor and be settling in for a permanent stay …

What to do? The dwellings looked sidelong at one another, unsure what to say or do. After all, a day tripper was one thing but a new neighbour? The longer they took to decide what to do the bigger the awkward silence grew.

I say silence but the newcomer had a radio playing quietly in what had been the background but was now centre stage announcing bargains galore at some washing machine shop miles away.

With a clearing of his throat, Hamish spoke and with that, the very uncomfortable atmosphere broke.

“And what would your name be?” he asked gruffly “I will be after putting your details on the map if you’re staying.”

Morag tutted, sighed and watched Hamish produce a tape measure and set of fine line pens ready for the task.

“Away you go Hamish” she said “ Let the poor wee lassie alone whilst she decides if she wants to be near the likes of you!” and then, turning to the new arrival she said “Now, about these new-fangled washing machines… do you think they would deliver?”… xxx