Well, hello Everybody. I’ve been AWOL for a little while for which I apologise. Sometimes life takes over the steering wheel and, although a mystery tour is all well and good, it doesn’t cut mustard, butter parsnips or, indeed, write blogs…
Anyway, I’m back today and I wish you a happy Friday. How have you been keeping? The kettle is on and there are jam doughnuts sitting waiting for us over there. We can play that game where we try to eat them without licking our lips…
The Little Houses are champing at the bit to tell you things about which I have had to swear them to secrecy until a later date… but you know what gossips they are. Cats may yet be prematurely let out of bags…
To keep them happy that they’re still a very important part of proceedings, today’s little share is about one of the Hermitages (Living on the Edge 142) Up until now, he, Eric, has been very content living his life of isolation. However, recently, he’s begun to think he might prefer to join a little village somewhere…
Now, whilst I don’t want to stymie his chances, I think honesty is the best policy. Eric has the loudest sneeze I have ever heard. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem. But, in the interests of transparency, he is allergic to everything and, therefore, sneezes. All. The. Time. Hence his move to the island in the middle of nowhere in the first place. But his loneliness has now become the bigger priority. He has eradicated the blossom on his sole tree and is awaiting invitations… xxx
PS. There’s a tiny, wee moving picture here if you fancy a look, sound on please… xxx