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Living on the Edge 134; The House Trap…

Hello Everybody, are you fine today? I was about to wish you a happy Friday when it was brought to my attention that nefarious deeds are underway again. We should all proceed with extreme caution and not approach the perpetrator… Living on the Edge 134; The House Trap…

Hector had been up since early morning pulling the wool over people’s eyes and collecting hemlock. He was up to no good again. He’d been watching Agatha Christie stories on the telly and was trying to think of a way in which he could become the hero in a carefully plotted web of intrigue. As he sauntered along whistling and kicking up pebbles, it occurred to him that he might need to get his appearance smartened up a bit so that when the newspapers got hold of the story he’d be described as suave. They’d be sure to feature him heavily. He considered purchasing a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles to provide a little gravitas. Or a maybe string of pearls… xxx