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Living on the Edge 130; Full Circle…

Hello Everybody, how is the world treating you today? Over here in the workroom there’s an air of anxiety that no one can quite pin a name on. There are unfinished things and half thoughts scattered all over the table, spilling onto the floor and a sense of… Is it foreboding? I’m not sure. But I can tell you it’s most unsettling… Living on the Edge 130; Full Circle…

It was her own fault. She had eaten cheese too late the night before and past experience had taught her that it was not a good idea. And so this morning Biddy had woken with bees in her bonnet. Loud, annoying bees that she simply had to share with someone. That default someone was Gertie on account of the fact that there wasn’t room for anyone else on the small hillock they called home.

She looked across at Gertie half to check if she was awake, half to check she had her hearing aid switched on.

Gertie had lit a cigarette and was staring into the middle distance. Something large was moving towards them at great speed. The trees sensed something too and leaned in closer as if trying to hide themselves… xxx