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Living on the Edge 126; Beyond the Décor

Hello Everybody, Happy World Book Day! An especially happy day around here as most of us are made of book… Today’s little share is Living on the Edge 126; Beyond the Décor…

Dorcas and Leonie stood side by side in the shell of that which once was. They said nothing. They didn’t need to; this is what they had been looking for. To the untrained eye they were standing in a ruin. A place, ravaged by time, which had left just a skeleton in its wake. But they could still feel its beating heart. Through their eyes time had only managed to make it more beautiful. They could sense the history and the years of toil which had built this sacred place with its stories, its lives, its dramas. It was all still there, still breathing. They had found shelter but more than this they had found home. Above them the birds, startled from their roosts by the intruders, looked on. Why must they always be moving on?… xxx