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Living on the Edge 119; the Age of Reason…

Hello Everybody, happy Thursday. There are only a few calendars left now over in the shop if you were hoping for one and thank you to everybody who has already bought one. I am trying to enjoy the season, once those advent windows start opening there’s no stopping them. It seems to be going very quickly this year, although I’m sure if you are six this is not the case. Whilst over on the beautiful pages of madebyhandonline a grand lady who has seen eons of Christmases come and go has other concerns… Living on the Edge 119; the Age of Reason…

Theodora peered through her grimy windows and the mist to the new houses across the square. With their fresh paint and tidy little courtyards they looked nigh on perfect. That was how I used to be a few centuries ago she thought and sighed. She was feeling apprehensive as, that afternoon, she was due to see a specialist about her current condition and the cracks that were beginning to show. Previously fillers had been suggested along with the possibility of a facelift and underpinning. Large works. Extensive treatments. It wasn’t so much that she minded getting old, it was all just getting a bit expensive… xxx