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Living on the Edge 118; Wavelength

Well good morning Everybody, how are you? First I wanted to say an enormous thank you to everyone who has already bought a Betty Pepper 2021 calendar: THANK YOU! There are still a few left in my shop if anyone is looking for a Christmas present or a gift to cheer themselves up maybe – it’s allowed…

Also today a bit of high drama; a recent commission for an adventurer, Living on the Edge 118; Wavelength…

When Nellie had asked him if he fancied going on a cruise Elijah had jumped at the chance. He had imagined sunning himself on a steamer chair, drinking Long Island iced tea and learning exactly what quoits were. But this was not the holiday he had imagined. He was, in fact, crewing. He had hoisted the main sail and was now sailing headlong into a hurricane. Already the Captain had him in the ship’s logbook as ‘under close observation’ but he was yet to discover that half an hour earlier somehow, Elijah had managed to snag the lighthouse from the last port on his fishing line. On the shore a penguin, just back from his morning swim, looked on and wondered if the sea was going to lose her patience… xxx