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Living on the Edge 113; the Doomsday Book…

Hello Everybody and a happy Thursday to you. Things have been a bit fraught over here. Ever since Living on the Edge 113 learned that he was not going to be part of the Betty Pepper 2021 calendar (available in my shop) a grand stropping began and a dark, broody tale has been brewing. (You may want a cushion to hide behind) He has now left the building and gone to Byard Art for their Christmas exhibition. I do hope he is behaving himself… Living on the Edge 113; the Doomsday Book…

Everything about the clearing had screamed ‘don’t be here’ when Jack happened upon it. But he hadn’t heard. He hadn’t smelled the fetid air or felt the chill run through his wiring. He hadn’t noticed the trees leaning slowly inwards to inspect him more closely, drip, drip, dripping. He spent a while sweeping fallen branches and pulling at the undergrowth until he had created just enough space to settle himself. He hadn’t even felt the sinister presence of the lone owl watching him. But as night fell he began to hear what could’ve been the wind but could also have been wolves and for the first time he wondered if he’d made a mistake… xxx