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Living on the Edge 109; the Great Divide

Morning Everybody. Happy Tuesday to you. Two things today first, a big thank you to everybody who already bought a Betty Pepper 2021 calendar. There are still some available if anybody is wanting to be in before the Christmas (Shhh! I know) rush. They’re waiting in my shop And second, a tale of bravery…

Living on the Edge 109; the Great Divide…The village of Grandle Duke had been a divided village since time immemorial. Legend had it that the giant, Haeddne McGlenn, had pulled the cliff apart with his bare hands in a fight with the ocean in ancient times. Unfortunately the divided nature of the geography had seeped into the psyche of the villagers and most houses barely even looked at one another at all. Valerie wanted to change all this, she wanted village gatherings and knitting circles and friendly hellos every day. She’d had the local building firm in who had reluctantly agreed to build her a bridge across to the other side but said they didn’t fancy its chances. Today it was its grand opening. Valerie was going to totter across with teabags, a kettle, 2 types of biscuit and 3 bottles of fizzy wine and see if she could start a new era… xxx