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Living on the Edge 102; Taken

Good Morning Everybody, it’s as hot as Hades already here so I thought I’d talk to you early. There’s been an incident in the manner of a suspense /thriller… It has gone over, with its friends, to Craftco in Southwold but I wanted to warn you to keep your eyes on the skies just in case… ‘Living on the Edge 102; Taken’

Mountain living was a hard existence. Maury and Gwen had known this when they relocated to High Reach with three month old Stuey. But this was beyond the pale. Snatched from his rocky outcrop Maury dared not look down; he wasn’t fond of heights. The sharp claws of the massive bird dug into his roof and the wind rushed at him threatening to take his windows off their hinges. Had Gwen seen the abduction? He had no idea. He had no change of clothes and he hadn’t had time to record an out-of-office message… xxx