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Living on the Edge; Travel Plans…

Hello Everybody, are you fine? Happy Friday and happy July! This week the workroom has felt more like a bus station than a studio. The little houses have been wandering around with vacant expressions, looking for timetables, not sure quite which box to get in or who they are travelling with. There have been tears and tantrums aplenty. Before they noisily left, I snapped a couple of snaps, took the register several times and sealed the boxes. Then it all went quiet.

I now think everybody is where they need to be… So, if you’re out and about do look out for little houses at the White Chalk Gallery in Devizes and The Found Gallery in Dunbar and, there are even little houses populating Made By Hand Online now. You see? Busy. But not too busy to have a cup of tea, a biscuit and enjoy the peace and quiet. Are you coming?… xxx

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Living on the Edge 184; Energy Bill…

Hello Everybody, how are you? Before I forget to tell you,this weekend is the last one of the exhibition at Craftco in Southwold. So, if you’re in the area do pop in.

Let’s have a cup of tea. Earlier this week the little houses and I were chatting, as we do, coming up with answerless questions and imaginings galore. And, as the chat flowed along, it became very apparent that somebody present was not on the same light-hearted page as the rest of us and that that somebody was stewing. I see trouble up ahead. Pass the biscuits…

Living on the Edge 184; Energy Bill…

William had discovered his superpower for turning water into electricity over ninety years ago. He’d become a bit of a celebrity. Back then he’d been new, exciting and perhaps even slightly dangerous. For no one knew exactly what he was capable of.

Now, after so many years, he felt taken for granted and was tired of constantly being relied upon to meet the greedy demands of the population. He was completely drained. A while ago suits with clipboards had visited and he’d overheard talk about the possibility of retirement. Afterall, there were now new-fangled nuclear guys out there; surely they could take over the load. But retirement was downgraded first to a facelift then a holiday to recharge his batteries and then further whittled away until all that actually happened was a day off which had been a national holiday anyway.

William saw no other choice than to take matters into his own hands. He stood resolutely looking over the valley below with a placard hidden behind his back. It read ‘Enough is Enough’ Tomorrow he was going on strike… xxx

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Living on the Edge 183; Divided We Fall

Oh Hello Everybody, are you fine? Hooray for it being Friday again! Come on in and have a seat at the table. Do you ever scribble yourself a quick reminder, any-old-where, just so the thought doesn’t escape? So it was with the previous owner of the book in today’s Living on the Edge…

‘Memorandum. “Daylight Saving Bill-”  Altering time 2 1hr. tomorrow morning’

Fascinated, I found myself doing a little research into it and I found that, in the UK, daylight saving began on 17th May 1916, a few days before the inscription. I wonder how many of our quick memos will be so long lived…

Further inside the book I’m much afraid the little houses have a tale of woe to impart this week so we may need to be serving them tea and sympathy…

Living on the Edge 183; Divided We Fall…

Monday had been long. Too long. It felt as if quiet fingers had slipped extra hours in between the pages of the day. Everyone was tired and just a little cross. And then from the lower ridge raised voices and angry accusations could be clearly heard.

Abigail and Harold’s recent and acrimonious split had shaken the small mountainside community to its core. With every day its repercussions ricocheted across the land with the loud and bitter airing of yet another piece of the couple’s dirty laundry.

Abigail had won the chimney in the divorce settlement and there was not a day went by when Harold failed to mention it. Even though it was summer and, weather permitting, said chimney would not be in use for at least another three months, he would not let it go.

In an attempt to quell the war, John had taken it upon himself to move in between the unhappy pair. However, this had the opposite effect because Harold now believed that there must be something going on between John and his ex-wife.

John sighed heavily; the heavy sigh of one who knows he can’t win. Much as he loved both Harold and Abigail the situation was impossible. Reconciliation was not an option. One of them was going to have to leave. But how to broach the subject? It wasn’t his place, he knew. He sighed again, took out his PC and began to google… ‘How to say something without actually saying it’… xxx

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Living on the Edge 182; Tunnel Vision…

Hello Everybody and a happy Friday to you! Here in the UK the celebrations for the Queen’s platinum jubilee are well underway. There is a lot of bunting and a lot of cake. So, do please help yourself while I make us some tea… Meanwhile, wouldn’t you know, the little houses are having some strife from a less than pleasant ruler of their own… There is a little video here if you’d like a twirl…

Living on the Edge 182; Tunnel Vision…

From birth, Lord Tristan of Highwater had been comfily nestled in a position of power. He had inherited his title, his land and even his butler from his late father.

With this great power, of course, came great responsibility. It was unfortunate, therefore, that Tristan did not take this responsibility seriously. He squandered the trust others placed in him, was mean spirited, selfish and generally unpleasant.

As an example of Tristan’s attitude let us look to the valley below. That afternoon Burt washed his windows and hung them out to dry. From above, Tristan observed this work and effort and instantly instructed his butler to fetch the Saharan sand, which he kept in one of the cellars, and cascade it in great clouds over the side of the mountain. You see? Mean.

Despite unrelenting provocation, the villagers never retaliated and instead, dealt with Tristan’s spiteful ways with kindness. This simply irked Tristan more.

Although he was all the bad things mentioned above and more, Tristan was not stupid. And he couldn’t shake the feeling that, nice though his subjects were to his face, somehow, he was being undermined… xxx

This piece and friends will be at Craftco in Southwold until the 27th of June. Do visit if you’re around!

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Living on the Edge 181; The Loch Keepers…

Hello Everybody. How are you this fine Friday? It’s been a busy old week what with it being #FindaMakerWeek over on social media and all. I have battled with the technology, the little houses whispering behind their shutters and laughing at me… Intuitive, my eye!

Do you remember I visited Scotland recently? Well, it has seeped into my work and today’s little drama is a result of that visit. Let’s have Dundee cake with our tea! There is coffee if you prefer, but you’ll have to make it yourself I’m afraid because I haven’t a clue about coffee. Sorry. The machine is over there… Right, are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin…

Living on the Edge 181; The Loch Keepers…

The little community of Auchno had sat peacefully overlooking the shores of Loch Och for centuries. Everybody knew everybody else and their business and nothing surprising ever happened. Except, perhaps, for the time when it had been discovered that Eileen had a secret child living over the border. However, that was over two centuries ago now and scandal rarely survives that long.

Upon waking that morning, the villagers discovered that overnight someone had sailed their island right in to the shallows of the loch below and, judging by the demeanour of the lone inhabitant, looked to have dropped anchor and be settling in for a permanent stay …

What to do? The dwellings looked sidelong at one another, unsure what to say or do. After all, a day tripper was one thing but a new neighbour? The longer they took to decide what to do the bigger the awkward silence grew.

I say silence but the newcomer had a radio playing quietly in what had been the background but was now centre stage announcing bargains galore at some washing machine shop miles away.

With a clearing of his throat, Hamish spoke and with that, the very uncomfortable atmosphere broke.

“And what would your name be?” he asked gruffly “I will be after putting your details on the map if you’re staying.”

Morag tutted, sighed and watched Hamish produce a tape measure and set of fine line pens ready for the task.

“Away you go Hamish” she said “ Let the poor wee lassie alone whilst she decides if she wants to be near the likes of you!” and then, turning to the new arrival she said “Now, about these new-fangled washing machines… do you think they would deliver?”… xxx

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Living on the Edge 180; Third Party

Hello Everybody, is Everybody fine? Do you ever get the feeling that there are gremlins or some such working against you? They are certainly with me today… They were messing in the washing as I hung it out to dry, they’ve been pressing the caps lock as I type and they’ve even been making me ‘to do’ lists…

Well, I have decided to ignore them and carry on regardless. I will make us a cup of tea and hope that they haven’t eaten all the biscuits… And, the little houses can tell us their latest woes…

Living on the Edge 180; Third Party…

If one looks from the right vantage point, the reason for the name ‘Bite Point’ is very evident. Giant teeth marks can clearly be seen in the side of the mountain. The legend attached to the name is a tale of fearful villagers and one brave soul. I’ve probably said too much already. But listen, Enzo, who lives at the foot of the mountain, has copyrighted the story and woe betide anyone who dares tell it without paying his (extortionate) royalties.

However, if you were to approach the mountain from the other side, you would find Mirella and she’s only too willing to tell you the tale for free, with a cup of tea thrown in for good measure. Mostly she does this to annoy Enzo, which it duly does. And also because she believes in free speech…

Matteo lives at the top of the mountain and regurgitating what did or didn’t happen long ago is not within his circle of concern. No. He’s more concerned with the future and whether his foundations are going to need more underpinning. Because if he falls, and he could go either way, he’s not convinced his insurance is going to be enough to cover the damage his neighbour will sustain… xxx

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Living on the Edge 179; Spell Binding…

Hello Everybody, are you well? During one of the long and winding conversations that the little houses and I often have, for they know and awful lot of things, some helpful, some not some much, we wondered if it would be possible to set up a magic club. And then, as is usual, the wondering wandered off to some other subject and no more was said. However, this week we learned that someone did not let go of that thought… I will pour the tea…

Living on the Edge 179; Spell Binding…

The sky had turned the inky blue colour that signals the imminent descent of night and so Clarice had thought it was the ideal time to perform her latest trick. She hadn’t been able to practise it because the trick was a variation of the famous one in which a cloth was removed with a flourish from beneath a laid table, leaving everything perfectly intact. In place of the table cloth Clarice had used the pavement and, unknowingly, her neighbours starred as dishes in the impromptu show.

Whilst it was an incredible display of her mightiness, it hadn’t quite worked out as she had hoped. Claude and Rupert were now leaning in a most unbecoming way, Betsy, Jo and Melissa had been tugged down a newly formed slope and the tree at the epicentre was complaining loudly of tap root rupture and bark stretch. Clarice gently tapped the curb stone back into line and, feeling very small, looked up to the heavens.

“Goodness gracious me, that must have been an earth tremor!” she exclaimed, quickly hiding her copy of ‘Magician Today’. Without daring to look over, Clarice closed her windows, wishing that she’d invested her time in being able to vanish into thin air instead… xxx

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Living on the Edge 178; The Mermaid’s Tale…

Well hello Everybody, happy Friday! It’s here again and I’m back again getting the cups and saucers out for you and this week we’ve fancy macarons!

I’ve been wondering about the seemingly random songs that appear in my head and won’t stop playing… Does that happen to you?

I’ve had Bananarama up there for three days now singing ‘I Heard a Rumour’ I have suggested that it might be time to stop but to no avail. The little houses have suggested we add some more songs and have a table top disco.. But first let there be tea, macarons and a little story…

Living on the Edge 178; The Mermaid’s Tale…

The girls were out for their daily dip in the ocean. They were wild swimmers. Every morning, in time for sunrise, they would traipse to the beach, bleary eyed and bedraggled. Twenty minutes later they would emerge from the briny, tingling, wide awake and ready to take on the world.

Edeltraud, who, believing she was a water-borne Icarus, would swim eagerly towards the horizon, hoping to touch the sun. She always turned back to shore soon enough and that day, as she did, she felt strangely different. She looked down and in amazement, saw that she had sprouted a tail. Her mother had warned her as a child about not staying in the water too long. Up until this moment Edeltraud had thought it was just an old wives’ tale. However, in the light of this new development, she relaxed her furrowed brow in case the wind changed and wondered how to tell the others about her predicament… xxx

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Living on the Edge 174; Mind Over Matter…

Hello Everybody, are you fine? I know, I know, I have been missing in action. Truth be told I have been on the run from a rather large birthday. I went all the way to Scotland but it still managed to find me… And so, this morning I have decided that it might just be best to embrace it. Instead of tea, there is a glass of champagne on the table for you – it’s ok we’ll only have one, whilst we listen to what the little houses have been up to…

Living on the Edge 174; Mind Over Matter…

“Certainly not,” said James crossly. He was stood at the top of the mountain looking down on proceedings.

“Certainly not what?” asked a startled Doreen but James had already forgotten what he was objecting to.

Perched on a lower ledge, Matthew was ignoring the chat and filling in a self-help quiz. This was something he often did for if there was a self-help manual available, Matthew would buy it. His shelves were full of advice, so much advice that he found it very difficult to remember any of it, let alone put it into practice. He was overloaded.

“Bitesize chunks Matthew,” he told himself.

He’d decided that this week’s area for improvement would be based on a chapter he’d found in an ancient tome on finding his real self. He’d been looking for himself for a long time and was beginning to believe he’d never be found. Matthew was now also concerned that if he did manage to find himself it might not be the real him…

Further still down the mountain Liddy, Fonteyn and Tulip, who were themselves gradually losing their grip, whispered amongst themselves. Why couldn’t Matt understand that they loved him just as he was? And, that if he could improve on anything it would be to take his head out of his books and join in the conversation more often… xxx

Ps. There is a little video here, put the sound on… xxx

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Living on the Edge; Pop-Up Exhibition…

Oh yoo-hooo! It’s only me popping by on a Tuesday of all days! I do quite like Tuesday though, don’t you? I’m here to tell you about an exhibition, which I probably should have told you about last Friday, but the little houses simply weren’t ready…

Anyway, we’re exhibiting with some lovely artists at the Corner Room Gallery in Framlingham, Suffolk 5th – 10th April and we’d love to see you if you’re around. Can you make it? The big news is that the very large piece ‘Living on the Edge 9; The State of the Nation’ has been woken from a long hibernation and persuaded to be there too. She’s packing her birds up as I type and muttering about baggage allowance…

I’m off to try and inject a little order into proceedings. Wish me luck… xxx