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Living on the Edge 105; Ship Shape

Good morning Everybody. I am here for my weekly check in with you. Are you fine? At the edge of the table today there’s a small band of houses eager to start an adventure… ‘Living on the Edge 105; Ship Shape’…

Derek and Liddy were not what one might call seasoned sailors. In fact this would be their first voyage. They had managed to persuade three of the neighbours to join them and become the crew. They were especially pleased when Pete agreed to join them because he was good at macramé and they knew sailors needed knots. Derek was busy looking for his compass but Liddy knew that first there was a bigger problem to overcome: they needed water to sail on. The sea had stormed out earlier that morning and she was unsure as to whether it would be coming back… xxx

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Living on the Edge 104; the Shore Thing

Hello Everybody, welcome to another Wednesday. This morning I have more trouble to report and naughtiness on a grand scale. A rascal has been a-rascalling right under my nose… ‘Living on the Edge 104; the Shore Thing’…

Lesley was the first to notice. It was an uneasy feeling like the ground shifting beneath her. Wait. It was the ground shifting beneath her. Smoother than an earthquake but movement nonetheless. And then, she saw him; a glint out on the sea caught in the light of the rising moon. It was the notorious terror of the high seas Bungalow Bill! He had somehow sneaked up on them in the darkness, tethered a line and was now noiselessly towing their island with them on board. But to what end? Lesley shivered her timbers and tried to scream but fear had taken her voice… xxx

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Living on the Edge 103; Cabin Fever

Hello Everybody, are you dry? They said it would rain and it is. A lot. It’s not that I didn’t believe them; more that I didn’t want to. I looked to the corner of the table for solace but high drama and panic was the order of the day over there and they hadn’t the time for sympathy… Living on the Edge 103; Cabin Fever

When Derry had first started to complain about feeling unwell the other houses had not taken him seriously. Derry usually felt unwell. He frequently had life threatening illnesses that always turned out to be something else, like the time he’d put his chimney on too tight or, indeed, the time he’d left his outside tap running. All night. This time he’d woken up exceedingly hot and, even in the cool morning air, he had sweat rolling down his façade. His neighbours shuffled uneasily; had Derry simply left his heating on overnight? Or had he been struck down with the dreaded CABIN FEVER… xxx

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Living on the Edge 101; Mural Spark

Hello Everybody are you fine? I tipped a can of bean juice over my keyboard at the weekend and now several of the keys aren’t working properly. So much for online recipes… Meanwhile over at the far end of the table a little house has been having worries of his own… Living on the Edge 101; Mural Spark

One by one it seemed that everyone in town was getting a mural. Robert had wanted one for the longest time but had never been able to settle on a design and now he felt it wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t the only one. So he took his kite down from the attic and, holding very tightly to the string, sent it flying. He was going to have to think of something else and he did his best thinking when he flew his kite… xxx

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Living on the Edge 102; Taken

Good Morning Everybody, it’s as hot as Hades already here so I thought I’d talk to you early. There’s been an incident in the manner of a suspense /thriller… It has gone over, with its friends, to Craftco in Southwold but I wanted to warn you to keep your eyes on the skies just in case… ‘Living on the Edge 102; Taken’

Mountain living was a hard existence. Maury and Gwen had known this when they relocated to High Reach with three month old Stuey. But this was beyond the pale. Snatched from his rocky outcrop Maury dared not look down; he wasn’t fond of heights. The sharp claws of the massive bird dug into his roof and the wind rushed at him threatening to take his windows off their hinges. Had Gwen seen the abduction? He had no idea. He had no change of clothes and he hadn’t had time to record an out-of-office message… xxx

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Reel Lives; The Sylko Sisters

Hello Everybody, I hope Tuesday is treating you kindly. Today there has been much fuss and furore at the edge of the table all stirred up by these 3 new Reel Lives. The Sylko Sisters are being released to the lovely Southwold Craftco. They have been lauding it over the other reels that they are taller, bigger and, therefore, all round better. I have interjected with counter arguments but still they persist. There have been clouds of make up and perfume, flouncing of feather boas, pouting and general over-the-top loudness. I wouldn’t mind but they’re not leaving till Saturday… Yes, you did just hear me sigh and roll my eyes… xxx