Hello, how lovely to see you again! I see December has done that thing it does every year and opened earlier than I’d planned for. It can’t be helped but, for next time, I’m having more warning lights installed and, perhaps, a siren???
Over on the table this week things have, again, been a little fraught as the little houses and I had our AGM. Attendance was good although, arguably, more attention could have been paid to the writing of the minutes. Concerns were raised, as were voices, motions were carried and it was agreed that I would no longer have unsupervised access to the pinking shears. I’m still smarting from that…
I think I could do with a cup of tea, a biscuit and a story. Do join me won’t you?
Living on the Edge 161; Balance Transfer…
When Botolph had nestled himself on the top of Mount Wearing he hadn’t considered the precarious nature of the site. Not for a minute. What he had considered was the view. And only the view. His neighbours had had a similar approach to choosing a location and now the three of them stood looking out and over to the uninhabited islands across the strait wondering if their erosion was less, their view as good and their grass greener…
“We’re as ok as we need to be,” maintained Botolph tapping away at his keyboard. He shifted his weight backwards, creaking as he went and put in his order for some more substantial underpinning jacks and a dozen rolls of duct tape… xxx