Hello Everybody. Happy Friday! It’s here again, hooray! I have a new thing to show you today. It’s a small world to nestle quietly in between the books on a shelf, it’s even got lighting. The little houses were very excited by this fact so now they’re all putting it on their wish lists and getting stroppy when I tell them it’s not suitable for everyone. Can you hear the rod for my back being fashioned?
Anyway, this is a hopeful little tale which is making me wonder if we shouldn’t all sleep for a while…
Living on the Edge 159; Catcher in the Dream…
Marie-Louise had been asleep for most of the day. This is what she always did. The others thought her lazy because they didn’t know her secret. But I am going to tell you, if you promise to keep it safe. She was a night worker; a dream catcher to be more precise.
It wasn’t the kind of job you would ever see in the job vacancies column or pinned to the notice board at the jobcentre. But somehow Marie-Louise had found the role and made it her own.
Each night, while all those around her slept, Marie-Louise was awake watching their dreams take shape and watching their deepest wishes play out in strange and fantastical scenes. She watched until the time came to extract the essence from those dreams and make them come true.
Now, to clarify, this doesn’t mean that she made zebras in crinoline skirts appear in the garden drinking cocktails, nor did it mean she could make you sprout wings and fly. It simply meant that she would carefully harvest the happiness that the dreams sparked and take cuttings or collect seeds which she would then plant and nurture. And, if she happened upon any nightmares, she would scatter sawdust across them, starving them of the oxygen they needed to thrive and soak up their bitter juice till they dissolved.
It was a lonely occupation but Marie-Louise had become used to it and no longer wished for the presence of colleagues, although a little help now and then would have been welcome. She gazed across the sleeping hillsides and, while she watched their peaks glow through the darkness, she could see where the dreams she had planted were beginning to grow… xxx