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Living on the Edge 152; Holey Heaven…

Well good morning Everybody. How has your week gone? Over on the table the air has been blue and thick with angst, not unusual I’m afraid. But you know the little houses; never ones to make do with a molehill when a mountain can be made… I shall share the shenanigans with you and wish you a truly beautiful weekend…

Living on the Edge 152; Holey Heaven…

Prue had spent pretty much all day up a ladder swearing into the ether. She’d been tidying the topiary; a bi-annual task that always irritated her. To be fair to her she always did a very good job but it left Holly wondering if the shower of abuse raining down on her from dawn till dusk and beyond was worth it. She’d have happily left the trees to their own devices.

The other problem was that the wild swinging and snipping of Prue’s long-reach secateurs left perforations in the sky where she missed the trees that no expletives could fill.Despite the profanity, as the daylight faded to an inky blue, the moon decided it was safe to rise. And then, as if by magic, the holes began to look like tiny stars.

“Perhaps I’m getting a glimpse of heaven” said Holly aloud gazing skywards but was pulled back to reality with a jolt as Prue tripped over a fallen branch and found several more choice words… xxx