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Living on the Edge 145; the Weight of the World…

¡Hola Everybody! As we’re not allowed to travel at the moment I thought I’d give my greeting the flavour of being abroad and use a tiny bit of the Spanish I learned at school. I hope Señora Lansley would be proud. I even found the upside down exclamation mark!

When working with these little paper houses the key, I find, always, is cooperation; if I can get them onside early on then life is a lot easier. An enormous amount of cooperation was necessary in order to make today’s share. In the second picture you can see a quick snap of us hanging out backstage whilst waiting, a long time, for the chimney fitter. You’ll see some of them became so bored that they fell over. But no one had a strop and there was a lovely sense of working together towards the greater good… Living on the Edge 145; the Weight of the World…

Penny was not given to exaggeration but lately her share of the pie was feeling more and more onerous. And it wasn’t a fabulous cherry pie that one might go back for a second helping of. It was a heavy, stodgy pie that tasted of over-baked socks . She had dealt with the phone company and the bank, the doctor and the middle child’s school, the internet and the plumbing along with a multitude of other annoyances that she didn’t have space to remember.

But today, she decided that enough was enough. Before she was squashed flat by the sheer weight of it all, she would have to start letting things go…