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Living on the Edge 133; Her Happy Place…

Hello Everybody, how are you? I don’t know how it is for you but most mornings I wake with a song in my head. This morning’s is a particularly sticky one. Bamboléo. It’s very hard to shake. So I have decided to embrace it and try some Spanish dancing. The houses seem particularly keen to join in. How about you? That way if ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ ever calls on us we’ll have a head start. But, before things get out of control, today’s little share is a nice calm one… Living on the Edge 133; Her Happy Place…

Out on the ocean Judy had been watching them. She loved to watch them. The sea had always fascinated Sheena. So much so that she’d moved to be near it. She was standing on the shore next to Katie. Her grandmother would have had a duck fit if she’d known that they hadn’t got life jackets on. They were watching for seals and collecting sea-glass. And not caring that the cold tide was lapping round their ankles.

“Do you think everything will be alright?” asked Katie staring up at her mother her windows wide.

“I don’t know” answered Sheena her eyes on the horizon “but I do know that, for me, the closer I am to the sea the further away my troubles become” and she smiled reassuringly… xxx