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Living on the Edge 131; Tall Stories…

Well hello Everybody, are you fine? This week has been full on Hollywood with too many voices shouting ‘Lights, camera, action! and ‘Cut!’ and bellowing out orders and general prima donna-ing. But, despite this, I have managed to put together a little video with the help of a very brave lazy Susan. It has ended up as a silent movie for everyone’s  benefit… You can see it here … Living on the Edge 131; Tall Stories…

Derek, as well as literally being above everyone else had, unfortunately, come to believe that he was above everyone else in every other respect. He was always right and could see from his lofty height exactly where everyone else was going wrong. And he was not shy of telling them. He’d been up early that morning rousing Walter from his sleep to aid with what he’d called ‘Essential Maintenance’ but which turned out to be, as far as Walter was concerned, a heavy lifting project. Walter, having had nothing better to do with his day, had agreed to help but was now secretly regretting it as his arm was beginning to ache. Besides which the others, who were now also awake, hadn’t failed to notice the large statue dangling overhead and were starting to growl about planning permission, hard hats and liberty taking… xxx