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Living on the Edge 112; the Last Resort…

Hello Everybody. How are you feeling today? The second lockdown is underway here and we are keeping our spirits up by drinking tea and listening to the over-excited running commentary on an indoor downhill slalom event happening at the other end of the table… Living on the Edge 112; the Last Resort…

Cressida couldn’t understand for the life of her what possessed the others to gleefully throw themselves down the mountainside without any safety net and hurtle at enormous speed to the bottom, only to climb back up and do it all over again. And again. She’d stopped counting the number of times fractures and other serious injuries were incurred. Not to mention the risk of coming off too soon and falling to their deaths. But far be it for her to spoil everyone else’s fun. Marco loved it and Cressida loved Marco. She sat at the foot of the mountain drinking chocolate soup with the locals watching the day’s high jinx unfold pretending she’d sprained her footings earlier that morning… xxx