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Living on the Edge 110; Cross Stitches…

Good morning Everybody. How are you? I’m not sure how things are going to unfold today as there have been goings on in the night. I am preparing for ends of tethers and frayed tempers… Living on the Edge 110; Cross Stitches…

When Lena had started cross-stitch the others had been very pleased that she’d finally found an outlet for her creativity. And she was good at it. She made pictures and bags and cushions and very quickly filled her interior with cross-stitched items galore. Then she started to fill the other’s homes with cross-stitched gifts some more successful than others. The cross-stitched toaster, she admitted, was a fire hazard. Soon she was unstoppable and in full thrall of her mania Lena moved to her surroundings cross-stitching her way across the bluff.Bill, who had so far said very little, was about to awake to discover that, during the night, she had begun to cross stitch him … xxx