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Living on the Edge 117; the Fleet

Hello Everybody how is your autumn so far? It’s all gone a bit soggy here. These little boats have set sail over to the lovely not a moment too soon as this morning I have been hearing Morse code dotting and dashing from the far corner of the table. It’s getting a bit annoying because I can’t translate it and they know it… Living on the Edge 117; the Fleet…

During the busyness of the day The Fleet had been carefully hiding themselves in plain sight. A trick the captain had taught them for it was not easy to hide when you were their size. However, everybody else had seemed far too engrossed in their own comings and goings to note The Fleet quietly waiting for the calm of the evening to descend. Now, in the fading light, they put out to sea and stealthily made their way around the coast evading radar with their onboard jammers. I do know what they were up to but I am unable to tell. All crew members had signed the Official Secrets Act and, as I had been heavily involved in the planning and building, I too had to sign. Suffice it to say their mission was top secret and involved much paperwork. If you do happen to spot them keep it under your hat won’t you… xxx