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Living on the Edge 107; Thought Full

Good afternoon Everybody, what’s today like for you? It’s a bit dank and gloomy here. Over in the corner of the workshop, despite being under glass, some loud disgruntledness is going on. I may have to lift said glass and have a word… Living on the Edge 107; Thought Full

Jim looked at Grace and Grace looked at Lyle. All three of them tutted and looked skywards. Archie had gone too far. There was a time when he was just like them but latterly he had claimed that he had so much going on in his mind that he needed to build himself a thought extension. This had come in the form of a dome. A very large dome. Since the work he had more than quadrupled in size and the truth was they were running out of space themselves.

Overhead, the birds circled in hope that they might catch a useful random thought that the new dome couldn’t quite contain. “Some hope,” said Lyle rolling his eyes “the last thought I heard from him was about manufacturing wrappers for slugs”… xxx