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Living on the Edge 239; The Cruel Sea…

Well, hello! How are you? I know, it’s been ages! Amongst other things, I have been on a voyage to celebrate my sister’s big birthday. She lives in Australia, you see, so one can’t just pop in for a quick glass of fizz. One has to stay a while. They were having winter. The trip was wonderous, glorious and inspiring all in one and I have returned to a heatwave.

I feel refreshed and life now has a little bit of a shine which I am determined the Little Houses will not be able to tarnish… Speaking of whom… they have been getting themselves in a bit of a spin. Do have a cup of tea and a chocolate shortbread whilst they bend our ears with their latest exploits…

Living on the Edge 239; The Cruel Sea…

Heston had just settled in to rue the day. He was agitated and brooding. Over the preceding decades he had watched his small community diminish. He’d lost most of his family and many friends. He had identified the sea as the culprit but knowing something is not the same thing as having proof. And so, one by one, his nearest and dearest continued to fall victim to the murderous, unrepentant sea below.

Heston had reported the killings to the local police but scant evidence had been found and so it was proving to be exceedingly difficult to build a water-tight case. There were many loopholes in the law, which the sea gleefully exploited. But what made it made it nigh on impossible to pin anything on him was his liaison with a sinister and invisible ally, the wind.  

Often Heston could hear the pair of them plotting downfalls, laughing raucously and egging one another on. He felt powerless. There had to be something he could do but he was at a complete loss to see what it could be. This wasn’t just a boundary dispute. This was land grabbing and murder rolled into one… xxx


There’s a tiny video of this piece on the twirler just here… Sound on!

My online shop will be re-opening soon, I shall let you know… In the meantime, let’s have another biscuit xxx