Oh Coo-ee! Are you there? It’s Friday update time and, amongst other things, I’m here to tell you about the online shop opening… It will be on Tuesday November 15th at 7.30pm UK time. The little houses have been tazzing around practising their smiles, posing for the camera, pushing in front of one another and trying to edit their CVs.
So this morning I thought we could all do with a sit down, a cup of chocolate soup and a biscuit. It seems however that, for one or two of the little houses, even that is fraught with peril as we are about to see…
Living on the Edge 194; Drop Zone…
“For pity’s sake Alan! Let it go!” yelled Ewart trying to make himself heard above the crashing of the waves below. “It’s not worth it!”
But Alan sidled closer to the cliff edge. He was the one who had dropped it and he would be the one to retrieve it. He knew he could do it. Besides, Ewart obviously had no idea what he was talking about. The last chocolate digestive was always worth it… xxx