Good morning Everybody, happy Friday! First I want to thank everybody who gave last week’s deeply argumentative reels a home. Peace has reigned at the table since they left the building and I am eternally grateful. Thank you, I only hope they are behaving better now that they are separated…
For anyone who did want to rehome one and missed out, there will be more once I am over the fear of what I might be creating. I will let you know…
The tea is brewing and I’m wondering if we might be allowed to use the extra hour that we will be gifted over the coming weekend now. It’s no use to us in the middle of the night and, since there’s cake as well as tea today, it might be nice to take our time and enjoy it. What do you think? For anyone whose clocks are not going back this weekend, I’m happy to share our time with you. Stop the clocks and have a comfy seat because over on the table, it seems a Mills and Boon moment may be in the offing…
Living on the Edge 192; Moving Story…
Jake packed up his belongings half-heartedly. He had been watching the sky where Sophie was flying her kite again. He knew that, despite its cheerful colours, it meant the Sophie was unhappy. And when Sophie felt sad he felt sad too. In fact, whatever Sophie felt he could feel…
But, despite the depth of his empathy, Jake could not find a way to tell her that he loved her and, with each day that passed, it was becoming increasingly painful for him. Sometimes the feeling that he might burst was just too much to bear.
With so much emotion swirling, he hadn’t stopped to question why, on the day he was leaving, Sophie was so melancholy…
However, from her ledge at the foot of the mountain, Edna could see exactly what was happening: Jake’s love was not unrequited. Sagely she shook her roof. She was going to have to make the epic voyage up to the summit and give them both a good talking to. With great age came great wisdom, her work was never done… xxx