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Living on the Edge 184; Energy Bill…

Hello Everybody, how are you? Before I forget to tell you,this weekend is the last one of the exhibition at Craftco in Southwold. So, if you’re in the area do pop in.

Let’s have a cup of tea. Earlier this week the little houses and I were chatting, as we do, coming up with answerless questions and imaginings galore. And, as the chat flowed along, it became very apparent that somebody present was not on the same light-hearted page as the rest of us and that that somebody was stewing. I see trouble up ahead. Pass the biscuits…

Living on the Edge 184; Energy Bill…

William had discovered his superpower for turning water into electricity over ninety years ago. He’d become a bit of a celebrity. Back then he’d been new, exciting and perhaps even slightly dangerous. For no one knew exactly what he was capable of.

Now, after so many years, he felt taken for granted and was tired of constantly being relied upon to meet the greedy demands of the population. He was completely drained. A while ago suits with clipboards had visited and he’d overheard talk about the possibility of retirement. Afterall, there were now new-fangled nuclear guys out there; surely they could take over the load. But retirement was downgraded first to a facelift then a holiday to recharge his batteries and then further whittled away until all that actually happened was a day off which had been a national holiday anyway.

William saw no other choice than to take matters into his own hands. He stood resolutely looking over the valley below with a placard hidden behind his back. It read ‘Enough is Enough’ Tomorrow he was going on strike… xxx