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Living on the Edge 169; Paper Jam…

Hello Everybody, are you fine? Happy February! What are you up to today? I’m feeling a need to clear up the table, to get a sense of order before any more building work can commence. I always get distracted by some book snippet or other so the task takes twice as long as it really should. Although I’m considering throwing out all the shoulds so it won’t matter. I’ll let you know if any snippets are important… The little houses are busy battening down hatches and trying to ensure that no babies get thrown out with the bath water…

Living on the Edge 169; Paper Jam…

Humming to herself as she worked, Doris was busy cleaning out the tangle of leavings in her attic. There were so many memories up there, accumulated over years and years. Decades in fact. The question was, what was of use and what could she be rid of? It was hard to tell what would come in handy and what was just hanging around taking up space…

She sat back on her haunches and tried to think up a system.

“How long has it been since I used this for example?” she said aloud, picking up her French studies. “ Mrs Vandertramp… I remember her.” But she had long since lost touch with her pen pal… and what was her name?… That had gone missing.

“And what is this? She lifted an old jam pan and a pile of letters poured out. Her love letters from Guy.

“Guy,” she sighed. She wiggled the first missive from its envelope sighing again at a musty waft of Old Spice. How she had loved him. Then, remembering how he’d left her for a bungalow in Hove, a lump rose in her throat. Quickly she shoved the letter back whence it came.

Perhaps today wasn’t the day to be working on this. She stifled a sniff and began scanning the hillside for a bramble patch. Briskly snatching up the jam pan, she left the attic, slamming the trapdoor behind her. Today was the day for… bramble preserve?… Bramble Jam… xxx