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New Year 2021

Happy New Year Everybody! How are you? It’s only 3.30 but the day’s dimmer switch is already being twiddled as I write this. Lamp-lighting time. Two things today the first being I have now put a few Betty Pepper 2021 calendars on the lovely which is good for anyone who wanted payment options other than Paypal. And second, along with the calendars this piece of work, and it is a piece of work in both senses, is also now online. Living on the Edge 128, Street View 8…

For a small street this one is certainly very vocal. The griping began because, unlike other printer trays before it, this one is smaller and the houses felt deprived. As time went on I had complaints, some in writing, about a show off green roof, about the distance from the post box being too far, about the abandoned car, about the permafrost on the trees, the list goes on… Added to this there has been almost non-stop insult shouting and a curious, high pitched, sing-song voice repeating everything everyone else says. I may need help… xxx